
Read One Sighting

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Sighting ID = 690 Date = 2018-09-23 Start Time = 16:24:00 End Time = 16:38:00
Area = Lincoln River, GA Estuary Latitude = N31-46.390 Longitude = W081-12.031
GA Zone = GA011BEA Species = Bottlenose ( Tursiops truncatus )
Group Size = 6 Number of Juveniles = Number of Calves = 1
Number of Pregnant = Number Adults seen with Calf =
Cetacean IDs = 938 12 1020 981
Cetacean IDs seen with a Calf = Cetacean IDs seen Pregnant =
Behaviors :
Weather = Overcast Cloud Cover = 100 % SeaState = 0 Moon = Full
Tide State = IL Tidal Range = 7.7 (ft) Wave Height = 0.0 (ft) Depth = 12 (ft)
Cue = Fin Interaction with Observer = Indifferent Bottom Substrate = Silt or Mud Group Cohesion = Tight
Heading = Heading True° = Reason to Leave = Continue Search Average Dive Time = (sec)
Water Temp = 28.9 (°C) Salinity Conduction = (ppt) Salinity Refraction = (ppt) pH =
Dissolved Oxygen = (mg/L)
Behavoir Notes =
Comments =

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These are the more interesting video files from the sighting.

These are links to the details page for each picture below.

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These are the more interesting pictures from the sighting. Click to enlarge.

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